High School!:The Dark Ages with Points of Light

There's an old story of three pastors sitting at dinner one night talking shop. They're talking about their bat problem. They all have bats hanging out inside their bell towers.The first pastor shared his plan, but the bats kept coming back. The second did the same, but with a different plan, but the same results. They can't seem to get rid of these bats. The third pastor bragged that his plan has worked perfectly. He simply Baptized and Confirmed them, and he hasn't seen them since. What is it about those high school years that seem to create the dark ages as far as spiritual and church things go? For me, it was a combination of my parents dying and a low view of myself. By December of my freshman year, my mother was experiencing headaches. They didn't go away, and in March, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had surgery and the doctors told us that she would not live long. It was heart crushing news for the family and especially my father. She woul...