
We really thought Abby needed a playmate! At least, God did! By the beginning of the new Millennium, Jan was pregnant! It is a girl!!! Elizabeth was born October second two thousand. I realized later that the name Betty is a nickname for people named Elizabeth. Because Betty Crocker would be a great nickname for Lizzy. She loves to cook and bake. She is a natural in the kitchen. She is very creative in her baking and loves to make family member's birthday cakes. Her creativity doesn't end in the the kitchen but extends to sewing. She has made many dresses and other pieces of clothing for herself and her sisters. Her creativity doesn't end there, but extends to hair and nails. Her sisters love Lizzy's ability to be creative with their hair and nails. Being a senior in high school she is starting to think about college and using that creative design. Lizzy is a hugger. I probably get a half dozen hugs from her a day. She has always been a person to offer support to oth...