
Showing posts from June, 2019

Here I am Lord

  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you;   I have appointed you a prophet to the nations . Jeremiah 1:4 One of my favorite movies is Simon Birch. It is a story of a middle school teen who had stunted growth. He was so tiny that he was cast in the Christmas pageant as the baby Jesus even in middle school. Still, he believed that God had a special purpose for him and that is why he practiced holding his breathe under water all summer every summer. I don't want to spoil it for you but he was right. Every one has a special purpose. Jeremiah was a prophet. Why did God will you into existence? God knew that I would be a youth minister and he started the ground work back when I was conceived in my mother's womb. He gave me the skills and temperament. I was the youngest of seven: five boys and two girls. My siblings say I was spoiled by my mother. I just observed what they did and did the opposite. LOL! I tried to teach tee...

Make Me An Instrument

In 2005, I was blessed to take some young people and adults from St Pius Church to World Youth Day in Germany.  We were going to Europe and had some extra days. Where would you go? Where do you think I took them? Drum Roll Please!! Rome and Assisi. Rome is an obvious choice with historic churches and Roman ruins. Why Assisi? This little medieval village built into the side of a mountain? Not very large. In fact, if you stood at the base of the mountain you can take in the whole town. This little town produced two saints Francis and Clare who changed the church forever. How did two people change the church? Francis and Clare had a simple faith and trust in God which impacted every aspect of their lives. They became an instrument of God's grace to others. Their faith was infectious so they attracted others. My group didn't want to leave Assisi because the town is so peaceful and well the gelato was delicious. Francis' father was a wealthy cloth merchant. Being from a wealth...